

This year, our TEAMBUILDING in Constância brought the Olympic spirit into JJTOMÉ! With the motto TEAMOLYMPICS, the teams were randomly organized, encouraging unity, cooperation and lots of fun among everyone.
The day started in style with the creation of each team’s war anthems, warming up the atmosphere for the challenges that followed. During the day, we faced exciting tests that were an opportunity to overcome ourselves, strengthen bonds and, of course, celebrate our achievements as a true winning team! Bring on the next challenge, because JJTOMÉ’s team spirit is stronger than ever!
Constância, with the Tagus and Zêzere rivers crossing in embrace, was the perfect setting for this unforgettable day, where nature, adventure and companionship went hand in hand.
Thank you to all employees for the family spirit shown!
Thank you to Team Building for your support and collaboration in organizing the event!

See the video here.